Date(s) - 19/Dec/2021
Genre - Online Concert
From Inventio Festival
Quatuor Joyce
Leo Marillier, violin Apolline Kirklar, violin
Loïc Abdelfettah, viola Emmanuel Acurero cello
Programme: Bach: Contrapunctus VIII, IX, XIII; Ivan Wyschnegradsky: String trio Op. 53, String Quartet No. 2 Op. 18; Anton Webern: String Quartet Op. Posth
The Joyce Quartet members are all graduates of the Paris Conservatoire. They are recipients of funds such as the Mécénat Musical Société Générale and the Fondation de France.
They have worked with Valentin Erben, the cellist of Alban Berg Quartet, Diotima Quartet and others. They participate in the Inventio Festival which is led by their first violinist Léo Marillier.
This concert is from the beautiful St. Peter’s Church in Beauchery-Saint-Martin, outside Paris.
This film will be available for a few weeks.