These two testimonies were written by a music lover, Keith Kline.
25th March 2018
Dear Poona Music Society
My twelve years old son was awakening to the beauty of western classical music when I first learned of the PMS.
Over the past six years, the two of us have enjoyed many beautiful performances together.
I am thankful for the fantastic music and for the memories shared with my son.
Hearing certain pieces will always transport me back to Dastur School Mazda Hall.
My son is eighteen now and the chapter of life in Pune is drawing to an end as we prepare to return to the U.S.A.
I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much you are appreciated, how you have had a positive influence on the next generation, and you have blessed a father and son relationship.
Thank you!
Keith Kline
Dear Gauthier
We have never spoken, but I feel that I know you a tiny bit because of your warm presence on the stage over the years.
I have been an American transplant to Pune since 2006, and I have been so thankful for the PMS and Arties Festival for bringing such wonderful music to us in Pune.
My son awakened to the beauty of Western classical music at age 12, and for the past six years we have been attending PMS concerts with a particular affection for your visits.
Thank you for all the fantastic performances. Thank you for contributing to many rich father – son memories.
Traveling far from home can be tiresome, please know that you and your consistency are very much appreciated.
Thank you!
Keith Kline
PS Thanks to your wife and children sharing you with us.